The Power of Meditation

We have all heard for years about meditation and its benefits on our well-being and overall health. There are many different programs that you can download, and so many people say it helps them, and others feel that they are "unable" to meditate. It is hard to still your mind and not think about anything for a while, especially if you are constantly moving and thinking. Many of us also struggle with mild insomnia; we find it more challenging than ever to go to bed, relax, and not worry.  Our minds are constantly spinning about everything we need to do, and can’t seem to quiet the mind.

 I try to meditate daily, though I may find it a struggle at times, and wonder if I am doing it right. If I can manage to sit still for 10 or 15 minutes daily, it helps me. And every day I do it, it gets a little easier. Of course, I still question if I am "doing it right," but there is no right or wrong way. It is a learned experience; some days are better than others. The nice thing about meditation is that nobody judges you; it is just how you interpret how you are doing.

As I said, said some days are easier than others, and I feel like I am in a "trance" and very calm when I finish. On other days, thoughts keep swirling in my head: when do I need to finish my Medicare forms, did I make my reservations for vacation, did I take my car in for service, and on and on. But it's okay because every little bit I do is better than the day before.

New studies have shown that 45 minutes of daily meditation (that is a lot) can be equivalent to taking an antidepressant in terms of helping your mood and sense of well-being. I'm not sure I believe this, but wouldn't it be nice if this is so?

The bottom line is that we need to take time out for ourselves every day, and we don't. We all complain that there is never enough time. But we can all find a few minutes. Get up 15 minutes early, sit and breathe, and try thinking about nothing, focusing on your breath. Turn the TV off 30 minutes early. I have started to turn the TV off by 9:30, meditate, and then read a book (an actual book, not a kindle, not an IPAD), and find that I am sleeping better! It may not work every night, but give it a shot. You have nothing to lose, and you may find an improvement in your overall sense of wellness.

Myra Katz