Do You Have a "Go Bag?"

I have a client who was admitted to the hospital unexpectedly and had nothing that she needed with her, including the essential cell phone charger, on which we all depend.  

This is easily prevented, especially if you are going to see your health care provider for a “sick visit” or going to an urgent care.  We all should have our “go bag” ready.  It doesn’t have to be big, but it should include a few essentials:

1.      cell phone charger

2.      tablet or computer with charger

3.      list (or picture of the bottles) of all your medications, Dr. who prescribes, when they were last filled

4.      a copy of emergency contacts

5.      copy of Advance Directives

6.      paper and pen

7.      toothbrush and toothpaste (even in an ER you may want to brush your teeth)

8.      ear buds

9.      hair ties

10.  even if you wear contacts, don’t forget your glasses

11.  at least one days worth of your daily medications

12.  extra underwear

There are other items you should have, but the above is quick and easy and doesn't take up much room. And having them will alleviate anxiety if you have to sit for hours in an ER, especially your cell phone charger. There is nothing more worrisome than not being able to communicate with loved ones because your cell phone has run out of battery.

#gobag, # beprepared

Myra Katz