Are You Taking Your Meds Correctly?
Are you on any prescription medications? Do you take any over-the-counter medications? Do you take any supplements or vitamins?
Many of us are taking our medications incorrectly, including myself. I have recently been prescribed two new drugs. And like all of us, I also received a 5-page sheet of instructions from the pharmacy. I admit I didn't read it. I read the directions on the bottle: "take once daily" for one and "take twice daily" for the other. I was not told by the doctor or nurse practitioner how to take the medications, let alone if they were compatible with my other medications.
I had to be my own advocate (very convenient as that is my job) and research the meds to find out that one had to be taken on an empty stomach and that they (despite being prescribed by the same physician) CAN'T be taken together.
Ask your pharmacist, a qualified patient advocate, or research yourself, how to take your medications and supplements. Make a schedule and stick to it. If you have to take medications, be sure they help you become well and not cause adverse effects. Virtually the majority of all drugs cause side effects. The critical question is: are the side effects worse than what is being treated?
My career has been in the medical field as a Physician Assistant and now as a Patient Advocate. While I provide several services to clients depending on their needs, one of the first things I do is review their medications. This one service, in particular, is critical to overall health.
As we get older, we may take more long-term medications and some for a short period. We must take them properly.
#callyourpatientadvocate. #beyourownadvocate. #takeresponsibility. #thinkandresearchbeforeyoutakemedication