Hearing "Enhancements." An update

A couple of months ago, I wrote a blog about my getting hearing aids. It was a tough decision, but not just from a financial standpoint. It made me feel officially "old," however, that could not be farther from the truth. 

Hearing loss is typically insidious; it sneaks up on you. You realize that the television volume keeps creeping up, and you laugh because everyone else is, but you have missed half of the conversation. We get tired of saying, "pardon" or "can you repeat that"?   And while our hearing may worsen with aging, it is not the only reason. Loud noises over the years, genetics, but does it matter? The result is that you don't hear well anymore.

So, why are we so reluctant to do something about it? We get glasses without question, but the loss of hearing says, "I'm old," and who wants to get old? New studies show that decreased hearing leads to dementia and social isolation. Hearing aids are expensive and, frankly, difficult to get used to.

And how do we know where to get them? We can go to Costco, BJ's, etc. We can order them online or go to a strip mall or private audiologist. And the prices vary widely and typically are not covered by health insurance.

I decided to see a private audiologist, someone I know and trust. It was the right decision for me, but not for everyone.

The bottom line is I don't like them. I find them challenging to get used to, and I don't always notice a difference. But they help me; the television volume is lower, but we are still perfecting them. I am on my third pair. I'm still figuring out which type will work best for me. There are a variety of different styles. But with determination and desire to continue to be a part of the world around me, I will make them work. 

I will not be the "old lady" in the room that laughs when everyone does. I plan to hear the jokes. I am glad I got them, and I am confident that with the right help from my audiologist, we will get them working correctly, and I will be able to enjoy hearing again.

Think about it. What is more important? Your vanity or remaining part of the world around you? I choose to be engaged, whether in a conversation or listening to music or a TV program.

Myra Katz