Saving money on your prescription medications

Did you know that there are less expensive ways to get your prescription medications?

While many people have prescription drug plans, even these can cause sticker shock, and many times we can’t afford them even with our health insurance. Look no further than discount drug companies, it may mean a little work on your part, but it is well worth the savings.

All you do is type in the name of your prescription and the directions (quantity, how many times a day) and you will get a list of pharmacies near you that you can choose from. The range of prices can be quite large, and sometimes you may need to go to different pharmacies for multiple prescriptions, but the savings may mean that you can get all of your medications, and not worry about paying your electric bill this month.

A few of the companies are:

GoodRX, InsideRx, Single Care, blink health, Optum Perks, RxSaver.

Depending on your insurance coverage, it may be worthwhile to use these plans as opposed to your insurance. When in doubt, ask your pharmacist, or feel free to call me and we can discuss your best options.

#patientadvocate, #prescriptiondrugprices,#beingyourownadvocate,#betterhealthcare,

Myra Katz